London Marathon 2024

2024 - 4 - 21

London Marathon 2024: Epic Fail Story Revealed!

London Marathon Endurance - London Marathon - Marathon training - Running - Training mistakes

Find out how one runner's dream turned into a nightmare at the London Marathon 2024

London Marathon 2024: How not to train for (and run) a marathon. 'After 26.2 long miles, I was barely able to walk โ€“ this was not the London Marathon I'd envisaged'. With hopes to smash his personal best, our writer instead... A tale of sweat, tears, and ultimately, regret. The journey from ambitious training plans to the harsh reality of marathon day. The story reveals the pitfalls of overestimating one's abilities and underestimating the grueling nature of a marathon. As the saying goes, 'slow and steady wins the race' โ€“ a lesson learned the hard way. The London Marathon proved to be a humbling experience, showcasing that preparation is key to success not only in running but in life. It's a reminder that perseverance and diligence are the true champions in any race, be it on the track or in personal endeavors.

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How not to train for (and run) a marathon (

'After 26.2 long miles, I was barely able to walk โ€“ this was not the London Marathon I'd envisaged'. With hopes to smash his personal best, our writer instead ...

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