Easter egg hunt

2024 - 3 - 31

Thrilling Easter Egg Hunt Delights Co Wexford Locals

Co Wexford - Dunbrody Forest Trails - Easter - Easter egg hunt - Lacken Hill

Join the festive fun at Lacken Hill and Dunbrody Forest Trails in Co Wexford for an egg-citing Easter hunt!

Thrilling shrieks of excitement echoed through Co Wexford as families gathered at Lacken Hill and Dunbrody Forest Trails for an Easter egg hunt extravaganza. The vibrant atmosphere of the event set the tone for a joyous celebration as children dashed through the forest, hunting for hidden treasures. Laughter and cheers filled the air as little ones triumphantly discovered colorful eggs nestled among the trees.

The magical setting of Lacken Hill and Dunbrody Forest Trails added an enchanting touch to the Easter festivities, creating unforgettable memories for all in attendance. Parents beamed with pride as their children skillfully searched for the elusive eggs, showcasing their hunting prowess. The event brought the community together, fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity amidst the joyous occasion.

As the sun set on the Easter egg hunt, families gathered around roaring bonfires to share stories and indulge in delicious treats. The spirit of togetherness enveloped the participants, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere that lingered long after the hunt concluded. With hearts full of happiness and baskets full of goodies, the day ended on a sweet note, leaving everyone eagerly anticipating next year's festive hunt.

Did you know? The tradition of Easter egg hunts dates back to the 1700s in Germany, where children would search for hidden eggs left by the Easter Bunny. Today, this beloved custom continues to bring joy and excitement to people of all ages, spreading happiness during the Easter season.

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Image courtesy of "Independent.ie"

Great fun at Co Wexford Easter egg hunt (Independent.ie)

A fantastic afternoon of festive fun kicked off the Easter season at Lacken Hill and Dunbrody Forest Trails on Sunday.

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