
2024 - 3 - 27

Gen Zer's Move to Portugal for a Better Life Sparks Envy

Career Opportunities - Cost of Living - Gen Z - Healthcare - Moving Abroad - PortugalLiving

Kylie Adamec, 26, shares why she ditched the US for Portugal - and it's not just about the sunny beaches!

Kylie Adamec, a 26-year-old member of Generation Z, made a bold move from the hustle and bustle of the United States to the picturesque landscapes of Portugal. Seeking a more affordable lifestyle and promising career prospects, Adamec found that Portugal offered a refreshing change. The lower costs of rent, taxes, and healthcare in Portugal compared to the US made it an attractive destination for her. Adjusting to a new culture and language was a challenge, but Adamec embraced it with optimism, immersing herself in the vibrant Portuguese way of life.

Adamec's transition to Portugal was not just about financial benefits. She discovered a sense of community and connection in Portugal that was missing in her American experience. The relaxed pace of life, stunning architecture, and delicious cuisine added layers of richness to her new chapter. Adamec's career also flourished in Portugal, with easier navigation of job opportunities and a work-life balance that felt more sustainable. As she settled into her new home, Adamec found herself inspired by the creativity and innovation permeating the Portuguese society.

In Portugal, Adamec learned that life could be both fulfilling and affordable. She basked in the beauty of the Algarve beaches, tasted the renowned pastรฉis de nata, and explored the medieval castles that dot the countryside. The blend of history and modernity in Portugal captivated her, proving that a mix of tradition and progress can coexist harmoniously. Adamec's story resonated with many young adults considering a move abroad, sparking conversations about the perks of living in a country that values quality of life over constant hustle.

One interesting fact from Kylie Adamec's experience is that Portugal consistently ranks high in expat satisfaction surveys, with its welcoming atmosphere and diverse offerings. Another fascinating detail is that Portugal's healthcare system, known for its accessibility and quality, has been a game-changer for many expats like Adamec seeking peace of mind and well-being.

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Image courtesy of "Business Insider"

Gen Zer moved from US to Portugal for cheaper life, better career (Business Insider)

Kylie Adamec, 26, found that rent, taxes, and healthcare are cheaper and easier to navigate in Portugal.

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