Carol Vorderman

2024 - 1 - 6

From Red Carpets to the Pitch: TV Stars Who Love Footy

Amanda Holden - Carol Vorderman - Celebrities - Football - TV Stars

Discover which sexy TV presenters and actresses are huge football fans!

Carol Vorderman, Amanda Holden, and a host of other glamorous TV stars have a secret passion for football that goes beyond their on-screen personas. Beyond the glitz and glamour of their studios, these celebrities swap their high heels for football boots to cheer on their favorite teams. Whether it's cheering for Liverpool, Arsenal, or Manchester United, these TV personalities show their true colors on match days.

Carol Vorderman, known for her stunning looks and intellect, surprises fans with her love for football. Amanda Holden, another TV sensation, is not just about red carpets and events; she's also a die-hard football enthusiast. These stars bring a whole new level of excitement to the sports world with their unwavering support for their beloved teams.

Surprisingly, many of these TV icons are more than just pretty faces โ€“ they have a deep understanding and passion for the beautiful game. Their knowledge of players, tactics, and matches rivals that of any dedicated fan in the stands. So, the next time you see these stars on TV, remember that they might be analyzing the game in their minds while they dazzle you on screen.

In a world where image and beauty often take the spotlight, it's refreshing to see celebrities who have a genuine love for sports. These TV stars remind us that passion knows no boundaries, whether on the red carpet or at the football stadium.

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Image courtesy of "Daily Star"

Sexiest TV stars' favourite footy teams โ€“ from Amanda Holden to ... (Daily Star)

Beyond the glitz and glamour of their studios, these sexy TV presenters and actresses are big footy fans. Here, Daily Star Sport runs through 12 of them and ...

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