Readers respond to an article about how some schools remove students with disabilities. Also: Old in Japan, and in America; how Donald Trump will campaign ...
He’s not about to change that modus operandi, as reflected in his insinuation the other day that Gov. Inherent in Japanese culture is the hierarchical structure of respecting elders and pride in longevity. Although the students came to the school with cognitive, social and communicative difficulties, their greatest obstacle was clearly a sense of low self-worth. Advanced directives are meaningless since they are not accepted if the outcome of refusal of treatment ends in death. Administrators have the power to remove students or dole out accommodations — not I. Hough Williams is the executive director of the university’s Program for Inclusion and Neurodiversity Education. The problem — and the opportunity for growth — lies in how we’re training and supporting that educator. The informal removal of students points to insufficient teacher training and cracks in the overburdened school system. According to recent Most teachers and principals are doing what they can within the reality of their circumstances. Even if the practice of informal removals ends, as it should, those kids will still go back to classrooms that are not fit to serve their needs. 10), about “off the book” suspensions of these students: