This week showed what can happen after Elon Musk instituted a new pay $8 and you can get a blue verified check mark from Twitter policy.
As Elon Musk's Twitter changes continue to fail, companies and official entities quickly became the targets of impersonation, including pharmaceutical ...
[innocuous impersonations of sports figures]( quickly descended into a [free-for-all of impersonation and misinformation]( [remained inaccessibly high]( Or is it just the culmination of years of cursed posting meeting a haphazardly moderated site? While Eli Lilly and Company might have dipped in the stock market this week, the price of insulin for individuals has [The account]( has since lost its blue check mark and gone private. While several tweets seemed to toe the line of acceptable posting behavior, the clamor from Twitter comedians was also the first inkling of a new kind of guerrilla social media posting, pushing against the corporate monetization and control of beloved sites.
He hasn't been in charge for long, but Elon Musk has already encountered several problems within Twitter, the platform he recently acquired.