“This training workshop equipped me with relevant concepts, practices, lessons and ethics on health journalism. I am now a skilled health reporter who is ...
Furthermore, more efforts will be put to enrich the Africa community media information hub on covid 19 and health – Addressing ‘disinfodemic’ (eacomnet.org) with a database of health experts, and link them up with the community radio journalists. It contributes to mitigating the harmful impact of misinformation and disinformation by also building journalists’ capacity, factchecking and training tools and other accessible resources, for the community media in Africa. UNESCO echoed these sentiments while emphasising on the need to give a special focus on the community media in Africa thorough targeted capacity building. She further pledged the support of the African Union Directorate of Information, in expanding the community radios project beyond health reporting health and covering other thematic areas contributing to also Agenda 2063 Aspirations. To achieve this, we must work with all stakeholders, including community radio journalists as studies have shown that they have a strong foothold in communities in which they work, and have the potential to influence conversations and decisions around social-economic development issues, including health” Mr Nekerwon Gweh, Africa CDC Communication Officer Community radio journalists from four African regions have been capacitated with skills on investigating, packaging and disseminating heath and other relevant information.