2022 - 3 - 24

NATO will respond in kind if Vladimir Putin uses chemical weapons, Joe Biden says (unknown)

The US and its allies are concerned Russia might deploy chemical weapons in its war with Ukraine. Mr Biden says "the nature of the response will depend on ...

"And we have seen before that this way of accusing others is actually a way to try create a pretext to do the same themselves." The US and its allies have previously said they are concerned Russia might resort to using chemical weapons as its invasion struggles against Ukrainian resistance, with Mr Biden saying it was a "real threat". Speaking after meetings of NATO and the G7, he said: "The nature of the response will depend on the nature of the use."

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Image courtesy of "NATO HQ"

NATO Secretary General participates in G7 Leaders meeting (NATO HQ)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Thursday (24 March 2022) participated in meeting of G7 leaders to discuss Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the global response to President Putin's brutal and unjustified war. Organised by Germany, and hosted ...

They also addressed Beijing’s role in the crisis, and Mr Stoltenberg reiterated that NATO called on China to refrain from supporting Russia’s war effort, use its significant influence on Russia and promote an immediate, peaceful resolution. The Secretary General stressed that at Thursday’s extraordinary NATO Summit, Allies condemned Russia’s unjustified invasion and reiterated their full support for Ukraine. NATO Allies are stepping up support to Ukraine, including with cybersecurity assistance and equipment to help Ukraine protect against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Thursday (24 March 2022) participated in meeting of G7 leaders to discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the global response to President Putin’s brutal and unjustified war.

Doorstep statement by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at ... (NATO HQ)

by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the start of the extraordinary Summit of NATO Heads of State and Government · 24 Mar. 2022 - · | · Last updated: 24 ...

But this is part of the immediate response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Then I expect at the meeting today that the leaders will start the process that will provide us with advice to make more longer term decisions on our longer term deterrence and defence, because we need to reset our deterrence and defence. And I expect Allies to agree to accelerate the implementation of the commitments we have made to invest more in defence. And the brutal invasion of Ukraine just highlights, underscores the need to provide support to Georgia. These decisions, I expect leaders to take them at the summit later on in June. So these are two different processes, one is what we already have done, and that will be there as long as necessary. I therefore also welcome that the International Criminal Court has started an investigation and will look into this, because at the end it has to be this body that decides on issues related to violation of international law. And to declare a no-fly zone over Ukraine means that we need to impose it, and to impose a no-fly zone means that we need to massively attack Russian air defence systems in Russia, in Belarus and in Ukraine, and also be ready to shoot down Russian planes. or today in the meeting, that the leaders today in the meeting will express their support to partners which are under pressure from Russia and that includes of course, Georgia. Georgia has the right to choose its own path. And then the risk for a full-fledged war between NATO and Russia will be very high, and that will cause more deaths and more destruction. We do that because we have a responsibility to ensure that this conflict does not escalate beyond Ukraine. That will cause even more suffering, even more death, even more destruction. But we have also made it clear that we will not send in NATO troops on the ground, or NATO planes in the air. We do so to be able to respond and address any threat, any challenge to our security, and what kind of decisions… We are the strongest Alliance in the world.

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Image courtesy of "CNBC"

NATO boosts defenses in Europe, says it faces 'gravest threat' to its ... (CNBC)

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson, US President Joe Biden, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg with the leaders of the US-led military alliance pose ...

As well as the extraordinary NATO summit taking place in Brussels there are meetings of EU leaders and the G-7. The governor attached stills and a video, which have not been verified, that he claimed showed buildings destroyed in the attack. "Today NATO leaders agreed to reset our deterrents and defense for the longer term to face a new security reality. Further details would be decided at the alliance's next summit in June, Stoltenberg said. At sea, we will have carrier strike groups, submarines and significant numbers of combat ships on a persistent basis," he added, with members also set to strengthen their cyber defenses. - As well as the extraordinary NATO summit taking place in Brussels there are meetings of EU leaders and the G-7.

NATO agrees to bolster eastern flank, increase aid to Ukraine (unknown)

NATO to send more battle groups to eastern Europe and will boost Ukraine's defence against potential chemical attack.

“It’s quite remarkable how things have been put together,” Szewczyk said. We have seen this use of a pretext to do the same themselves,” Stoltenberg said. “There is a risk that it will affect people living in NATO countries because we can see contamination and the spread of chemical agents into our countries,” Stoltenberg said. In his address to NATO, Zelenskyy accused Russia of having used phosphorous bombs on civilians. NATO to send more battle groups to eastern Europe and will boost Ukraine’s defence against potential chemical attack. NATO to send more battle groups to eastern Europe and will boost Ukraine’s defence against potential chemical attack.

Biden warns Russia Nato will respond if Kremlin uses chemical weapons (unknown)

US leader, speaking after Nato agreed to upgrade weapons supply to Ukraine, insists retaliation would be proportional.

This week it emerged that the White House had set up a special “Tiger Team” to work out how the US would respond if such an attack should take place. But there are limits; officials indicated they thought it unlikely any Nato country would want to provide tanks, for fear of Russian retaliation. The nature of the response would depend on the nature of the use.” We want him to remain uncertain … but we are clear there will be severe consequences,” they added. “We are remaining deliberately ambiguous. “We would respond if he uses it.

Statement by NATO Heads of State and Government (unknown)

We condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine in the strongest possible terms. We call on President Putin to immediately stop this war and withdraw military forces ...

In line with our commitment in Article 3 of the Washington Treaty, we will further strengthen our individual and collective capacity to resist all forms of attack. We remain united and resolute in our determination to oppose Russia’s aggression, aid the government and the people of Ukraine, and defend the security of all Allies. The steps we are taking to ensure the security of our Alliance and of the Euro-Atlantic area will require adequate resourcing. We will now accelerate NATO’s transformation for a more dangerous strategic reality, including through the adoption of the next Strategic Concept in Madrid. In light of the gravest threat to Euro-Atlantic security in decades, we will also significantly strengthen our longer term deterrence and defence posture and will further develop the full range of ready forces and capabilities necessary to maintain credible deterrence and defence. We are increasing the resilience of our societies and our infrastructure to counter Russia’s malign influence. We are enhancing our cyber capabilities and defences, providing support to each other in the event of cyber-attacks. We reaffirm our unwavering support for the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders extending to its territorial waters. We call on all states, including the People’s Republic of China (PRC), to uphold the international order including the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, as enshrined in the UN Charter, to abstain from supporting Russia’s war effort in any way, and to refrain from any action that helps Russia circumvent sanctions. We are also establishing four additional multinational battlegroups in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. We are taking all measures and decisions to ensure the security and defence of all Allies across all domains and with a 360-degree approach. We reaffirm our commitment to NATO’s Open Door Policy under Article 10 of the Washington Treaty. We support Ukraine’s efforts to achieve peace, and those undertaken diplomatically by Allies to weigh in on Russia to end the war and relieve human suffering. We call on Russia to engage constructively in credible negotiations with Ukraine to achieve concrete results, starting with a sustainable ceasefire and moving towards a complete withdrawal of its troops from Ukrainian territory.

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Image courtesy of "The Irish Times"

Nato strengthens eastern flank as Ukraine says Russia will advance (The Irish Times)

Amid concerns that Moscow may be preparing to use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine, the alliance warned this “would be unacceptable and result in ...

It comes amid an international struggle to isolate Russia and stop wavering countries from helping Moscow to undermine the effect of sanctions. It wants to go further, against the eastern members of Nato. The Baltic states, Poland – that’s for sure,” Mr Zelenskiy said. “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has changed our security environment for the long term.

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Image courtesy of "EUobserver"

Nato warns of Russian chemical weapons threat (EUobserver)

Nato leaders have redoubled warnings for Russia not to use chemical weapons or worse in Ukraine. They also agreed to send 40000 more troops to Bulgaria, ...

"We are prepared for the long haul because we can already say today that the Russian invasion, president Putin's invasion of Ukraine has changed our security environment," Stoltenberg said. Thursday's emergency Nato summit was called one month after Russia invaded its neighbour and began pounding Ukrainian cities with conventional firepower to try to break resistance. "We will not deploy troops on the ground in Ukraine because the only way to do that is to be prepared to engage in full conflict with Russian troops," he said. It comes on the same day as EU leaders held a summit and the leaders of the G-7countries also gathered in Brussels in a show of unity. And Russia had a track record of chemical weapons use in the UK, Syria, and inside Russia itself, Stoltenberg noted. "There's also a risk that it will have a direct effect on people living in Nato countries, because we can see contamination, we can see the spread of chemical agents or biological weapons into our countries," he added.

Zelensky asks NATO for weapons, West adds pressure on Russia (FRANCE 24)

President Volodymyr Zelensky pressed a NATO summit Thursday to flood weapons into Ukraine and Western allies responded with new sanctions against Russia, ...

A month of the darkest suffering," he said. More than 10 million Ukrainians have fled their homes. Ukraine has already lived through "a month of heroic resistance. Biden noted that under his presidency the United States has pledged $2 billion in weapons to Ukraine. He announced a new commitment to "more than $1 billion in humanitarian assistance," as well as promising to welcome 100,000 of the nearly 3.7 million refugees fleeing the country. He said the West should provide "all the weapons we need" to "prevent the deaths of Ukrainians from Russian strikes, from Russian occupation." And after Zelensky said there was a "real" chance of Russian President Vladimir Putin resorting to chemical warfare, Biden told reporters "we will respond if he uses it."

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