
Simon Harris

Taoiseach Simon Harris Faces Bomb Threat at Family Home

Taoiseach Simon Harris responds to a bomb threat at his family home, labeling it as 'utterly unacceptable'. Gardaรญ declare the threat a hoax. Read more!

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Ebun Joseph

Ireland's New Racism Czar: From Death Threats to Ribena

Dr. Ebun Joseph faces death threats while finding racism even in Ribena! Minister Joe O'Brien appoints her as Ireland's special rapporteur.

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Simon Harris

Taoiseach Simon Harris: Not Even a Threat Can Stop This Leader!

Taoiseach Simon Harris stands tall against online threats while the gardaรญ go to work. Dive into his inspiring message of resilience!

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Patrick Grealish Galway

Galway Man Takes Threatening 'Puns' to a Dangerous New Level!

A Galway man is in hot water after threatening Taoiseach Simon Harris! Find out the shocking details behind the court appearance!

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