

ITV Shakeup: Job Cuts Hit Amid Ad Slump

Breaking: ITV announces job cuts amidst advertising downturn. Find out more!

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Intel's Job Cuts: A Cost-Cutting Strategy or Just a Bad PR Move?

Hold on tight, tech lovers! Intel's about to shake things up, cutting thousands of jobs and launching a fancy new app for the visually impaired all in one go!

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Intel Makes Chips and Cuts: 15,000 Jobs Gone!

Intel's drastic cuts are making waves in Ireland as 15,000 jobs vanish in a bid to regain chip-making glory!

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Intel stock

Intel Stock Takes a Nose-Dive: Is It Time to Panic or Party?

Intel's stock just plunged 22.6%! Is this a buy, sell, or just more drama in the tech world? Find out what's going on!

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